

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located, and what is your time zone?

I am in Raleigh, North Carolina, which is in the Eastern time zone. Because my hours are flexible, I work successfully with clients in other US and international time zones. 

Do you work by rate per hour or fee per project?

I work by rate per hour. Occasionally, for special circumstances, I will work on a project-based fee.

What does the ELS after your name mean?

This means that I am a Board-Certified Editor in the Life Sciences (ELS). The Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS) was founded in 1991 to evaluate the proficiency of manuscript editors in the life sciences and to award credentials similar to those obtainable in other professions.

The need for an objective test of editorial skill has long been recognized. To meet that need, BELS developed a process for testing and evaluating proficiency in editing in the life sciences. The Board administers an examination, written by senior life-science editors assisted by testing experts, that focuses on the principles and practices of scientific editing in English.

Why certification for editors?

  • To provide qualified manuscript editors in the life sciences a way to demonstrate their editorial proficiency

  • To provide employers and clients of manuscript editors in the life sciences a way to identify proficient editors

  • To establish a standard of proficiency in editing in the life sciences